Zachary Quinto

Handsome American actor Zachary Quinto clocked in as an almost constant small-screen presence from the early 2000s onward. A number of his roles constituted extremely memorable ones: he was chilling as Sylar, the mutant psychopath with a flair for mutilating his victims' gray matter, in the superhero-themed NBC fantasy-drama Heroes, and (on a wholly different note) lent an undercurrent of necessary gravitas to his portrayal of God (among other actors playing the role) on the cult favorite Joan of Arcadia. Quinto also helped federal agent Jack Bauer prevent the spread of a deadly plague in season three of the blockbuster Fox drama 24, but left the series thereafter. In 2007, Quinto signed for his first major cinematic role, and a plum one at that -- a portrayal of a young Mr. Spock in the 11th installment of the popular franchise, released to U.S. theaters in May 2009 and directed by Lost co-creator J.J. Abram
